Tuesday, March 3, 2015

14 Questions You're Afraid to Ask Literary Agents

This week I am re-posting a great article from Writer's Digest
It is well written, humorous, and worth the read.

(Full disclosure - if you are not interested in the publishing world, this one may not be for you.)

As an agent of more than five years with the Irene Goodman Agency, I am oftentimes approached at writing retreats, conferences, children's birthday parties, nail salons, shooting ranges and quinceaneras, and asked a variety of questions about my take on the inner workings of the publishing industry.  I have no problem straight-shooting the goods in those moments ("Honestly, Father McKenna? I think a young adult series based on Fifty Shades of Grey is a terrible idea...") and in fact quite enjoy the discourse. 

Earlier this year, Writer's Digest reached out and invited writers everywhere to anonymously - without fear of judgement or need to be overly polite - submit the questions they'd always secretly wanted to ask a literary agent, but had been afraid to voice. When WD then approached me and asked if I'd be willing to answer a selection of those questions in print - and to do so with a level of candor that writers would be hard-pressed to find elsewhere - I applauded their creativity and immediately grabbed my thinking cap (read: flask) and dove in. 
by Barbara Poelle
I found the questions to be insightful, and I hope I did the responses justice. If not, I am not Barbara Poelle - I am Enid Snarkleftitz and I have anger management issues.

Here's the full article: